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  • Start Your Teaching Adventure

    Teach your subject in English in private K-12 international
    schools around the world.

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  • Start Your Teaching Adventure

    Teach your subject in English in private K-12 international
    schools around the world.

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What Teachers Are Saying...

Teaching Abroad - What you need to know

Making the Most of the Experience: A Reflection on Recruiting Fairs
With another school recruiting season almost in the rear-view mirror, it is worthwhile reflecting on what went well and what could be improved… ...

Exploring the Job Search: A One Minute Survey
Help us measure how our industry is evolving and what job seeking may look like in the future… ...

In Your Own Backyard: Keeping Relevance Post-Hiring Season
Now that the hiring season is almost coming to a close, we can re-group and re-think how our current faculty and staff are faring in our school environments… ...

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Considerations Before Signing a New Contract
You’ve updated your CV, attended the job fair, and you’re ready to sign on the dotted line… ...

A Recruiter's Interview Toolbox
During the interview process, there are some approaches we may want to hold on to, some we need to avoid doing, and others we may want to move towards… ...

Do You Have the DEIJ Support You Need During Recruitment Season?
Ideas and thoughts that might help educators of color as they navigate recruitment season in the international school system… ...

BECOME A MEMBER! Sign up for TIE services now and start your international school career

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Education news and updates from around the world

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Dakar, Senegal
Dakar, Senegal
By Gavin Kinch
Aug 2024

Connecting Businesses With Education for Real World Impact
Connecting Businesses With Education for Real World Impact
By Shen Megalaa
Jul 2024

Top Stories

Reception, Insertion, and Integration of Ukrainian Refugee Students in  Luxembourg
Reception, Insertion, and Integration of Ukrainian Refugee Students in Luxembourg
By Dr. M. Laura Halladjian and Dr. Lindsay Redinger
Aug 2024

Seeds of Change: Pursuing a Meaningful, Authentic Learning Experience
Seeds of Change: Pursuing a Meaningful, Authentic Learning Experience
By Paul Browne, Nickie Hansen, John Milton, and Megan Vosk
Aug 2024

From the Blog

  • Closer To The Heart
    (Daniel Kerr)
    Fri, 06 Sep 2024 01:22:30 GMT

    So I was contacted the other day by a former student of mine, who took some classes with me a few years ago through Endicott College�s International Education Master�s Degree Program. During one of those classes...

  • Watch how your spark and your love magnifies
    (Paul Magnuson)
    Tue, 03 Sep 2024 06:18:30 GMT

    Briza Bohne, Service-Learning Coordinator at Ljubljana International School, joins Paul on reflections about classroom observations, summer programming, confidence, and how to lead with love and uplift. How does...

Recent Appointments

Jeff Marquis

Harare International School
Secondary Principal

Jason Cone

International School of Amsterdam
Head of Learning Innovation

Christelle Lonez

Luanda International School
Primary Principal

Fernanda Dillon

American School of Recife
Secondary School Principal

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